Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Overlook This!

I forgot to mention in my first post about metal allergies. Most orthopedic guys won't mention this and my first doctor even scoffed at the idea. However the titanium joints aren't just titanium. They are many other metal alloys and you can get a breakdown from the manufacturer BEFORE you get the knee replacement. There is one brand Oxinium that is specifically for those with metal (especially Nickel) allergies. You can see an allergist and they can run a metallergic set of skin tests.
A great easy test is if you can't wear cheap jewelry (not 14k or sterling silver) without getting a rash or your ears getting infected, then you have a metal allergy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Starting Over...

I started this blog a couple years back with the intention of chronicling my partial Knee Replacement. But, alas, it didn't. The partial didn't work either! So, at the ripe old age of 44, I have had 4 scopes, a partial knee replacement and now a Total Knee Replacement. So, I figured I'd start over again with this blog.

Now that I've gone under two knee replacement surgeries in two years (unfortunately on the same knee), I wanted to start with How to Prep Yourself for a Knee Replacement.

If you can lose any weight before the surgery, do it! I know it's hard to do, especially if you are in pain all the time like I was, but think about the pain and then think of hefting the weight on a leg that has been chiseled and drilled!

Practice Ankle Pumps and Quad Sets. These two are your main stay for the first couple of weeks and really help.
Ankle Pumps are just moving your foot from a pointed position to a flexed position. (up and down).
Quad Sets are tightening your quad (thigh) muscles. After surgery, you will not be able to do this, but you will get that ability back faster if you practice them beforehand.

Clean up the debris in your house. Anything on the floor will be a hazard when you get home. You will probably be using a walker for the first week or so back home. So, make sure all your area rugs are put away.

Pay your bills and take care of any odds and ends. When you get back home (4 days later) you really won't want to do much but heal and do your exercises.

Clean your bathroom and bedroom. You will be spending most of your time there, so get it just the way you want it!

Next time, I'll tell you about that first day in the hospital.

Stay Tuned!